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At Our Lady of Pity, we aim to create an inspiring and creative learning environment where children feel valued and happy. We want our children to be independent, reflective and resilient learners who love learning. We actively celebrate diversity and ensure equality of opportunity.

Through our curriculum, we want every child to thrive and achieve as highly as possible.

We offer a broad and balanced curriculum, which covers all the objectives and requirements of the National Curriculum. Reading is a huge focus of our curriculum as it is the gateway to learning.

Our curriculum identifies the key knowledge and skills children need to be equipped with to become successful lifelong learners. Each subject is carefully planned and sequenced, so children can build on prior learning, integrate new knowledge and skills with appropriate support and challenge.

Our Catholic ethos permeates everything we do in school through our curriculum, Religious Education programme and PSHE curriculum. Our children are encouraged to be responsible citizens and to take an active role in school, the parish and wider community.









KS2 Child Survey June 2024

Main Site (Greasby)

Our Lady of Pity RC Primary School,

Rigby Drive,


Wirral CH49 1RE

0151 677 6262

Annexe Site (Hoylake)

Our Lady of Pity RC Primary School,

Birkenhead Road,


Wirral CH47 5AF

0151 632 1908