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Vision, Mission and Values

Our vision, mission and values drive all that we do. Our core framework is below.

Our vision:

Thriving together

Our mission:

Do everything with love

Our core values:

Respect, Compassion, Inclusivity, Integrity, Courage & Gratitude


Our vision, Thriving together is our ultimate goal for everyone at Our Lady of Pity. We want every member of our community to be successful, healthy and happy in life. Each child is unique and special, made in the image and likeness of God, with many gifts and talents. We have the highest of aspirations for every child to reach their potential and flourish in their own individual way. All stakeholders involved in shaping our vision described Our Lady of Pity as a family. It is for this reason that we included the word ‘together’, as together we are stronger and can learn from each other. 

Our mission, Do everything with love is our daily promise as a Catholic school. In all of our actions, our words and our thoughts, we keep love central and try to follow the teachings of Jesus. If we do everything with love, our school and world will be a better place.

Our values drive all of our decision-making and interactions at school.

Respect - We respect everyone in order to build positive relationships. We accept everyone for who they are. We listen to each other and are kind.

Compassion - We are committed to Catholic Social Teaching and help those less fortunate than ourselves. We turn empathy into action, caring for our local and world communities.

Inclusivity - Everyone is welcome at Our Lady of Pity. We are all unique and special in our own way. We are committed to enabling every child to reach their potential, no matter what barriers they may face.

Gratitude - We are thankful for what we have. We appreciate each other and focus on what is good in our lives.

Courage - Chosen as a core value by the children. We show resilience when things get tough. We are brave to make the right choices in life. We push ourselves to achieve as highly as possible.

Integrity - We are honest and act responsibly. We are true to ourselves and proud of who we are. We do the right thing, living our daily mission.

We recognise children who live out our values and mission. Children are celebrated in weekly assemblies for the value they have demonstrated.

Our Lady of Pity Catholic Primary School is a welcoming community which promotes British values of democracy, rule of law, freedom, tolerance and mutual respect, through the teachings of Christ. We ensure that a culture of safeguarding is maintained throughout the school community.

We are an inclusive community, committed to ensuring equality of education and opportunity for all, irrespective of race, gender, disability, faith, religion or socio-economic background. Everyone is welcome at Our Lady of Pity and across the year, teachers explore protected characteristics through the sharing and discussion of texts.

Main Site (Greasby)

Our Lady of Pity RC Primary School,

Rigby Drive,


Wirral CH49 1RE

0151 677 6262

Annexe Site (Hoylake)

Our Lady of Pity RC Primary School,

Birkenhead Road,


Wirral CH47 5AF

0151 632 1908